13~14강 수동태

김형섭 5일차 0 329 2017-08-21 10:56

1. 수강한 강좌명:문법의 신_기초반
2. 학습 분량 :13~14강 수동태

3. 알게된 내용 :

1.자동사Vi : 행위중심 -> 수동태x(목적어 없어서)

S + Vi

2.타동사Vt : 행위+대상 -> 목적어(대상)을 필요로 한다 -> 수동태o

S + Vt + O

I don’t kill : 행위중심으로 살생을 하지 않는다는 뜻(예외) -> 목적어의 의미가 중요치 않을 때 생략됨 

주어/목적어 자리에 올 수 있는 것  

-> 명사,대명사,동명사,to VR,명사절

kill + 명,대명  

learn + 명,대명,to V,명사절

enjoy + 명,대명,동명사

eat + 명,대명

*목적어에 명사,대명사가 올 때 가장 많이 수동태로 쓰인다


1.S + Vt + O -> O + be pp + [by S]

2.S + Vt + IO + DO -> IO + be pp + DO + [by S]

                       DO + be pp + 전 + IO + [by S]

3.S + Vt + O + OC -> O + be pp + OC + [by S]

1.S + Vt + O -> O + be pp + [by S]

1)she tires me -> I am tired

2-1)he thought of another war -> another war was thought of (by him) : 타동사구 

2-2)he broke in my house -> my house was broken in (by him) : 타동사구    

3)he has seen me -> I have been seen by him : have pp -> have been pp

4)he must do it ->it must be done by him : 조동사 + VR + O -> O + 조동사 + be pp

5)목적어가 명사절일경우

a)복문 : I think [that she is smart]

   -> [that she is smart] is thought (by me)

   -> It is thought [that she is smart] : [It be pp that S + V]



  단문 : she is thought to be smart [S + be pp + to VR]

b)복문 : they think that he visit the casino

  단문 : he is thought to visit the casino

c)It is thought [that she was smart] ; 시제가 맞지 않을땐 완료부정사를 붙힌다

-> she is thought to have been smart

d)It is known [that he was killed] during w.w.2

-> he is known to be killed during w.w.2(x)

-> he is known to have been killed during w.w.2(o)

2.S + Vt + IO + DO -> IO + be pp + DO + [by S]

                       DO + be pp + 전 + IO + [by S]

he told me the secret -> I was told the secret [by him]

                          the secret was told to me [by him] = to가 생략 가능하지만 쓰는게 좋음

*듣는다 hear

*누군가 말해서 듣는다 be told/have been told

cf)수여동사에 따라서 DO나 IO 하나만 가능할 수 있다

DO : make/find/buy/call 

he made me a clam chowder -> a clam chowder was made for me


call me a taxi -> a taxi is called for me

IO : he forgave me my rudeness ->I  was forgiven my rudeness by him

복문 : I told him [that his father had passed away]

  -> he was told [that his father had passed away]

  -> [that his father had passed away] was told to him 

  -> It was told to him [that his father had passed away]

3.S + Vt + O + OC -> O + be pp + OC + [by S]

he called a man big hand -> a man was called big hand

he made me upset -> I was made upset

he finds me a genius -> I am found a genius = 문맥에 따라 4형식으로 해석가능

he expected me to win the race -> I was expected to win the race

he made me accept the offer -> I was made to accept the offer

             사역동사의 목적어는 원형부정사   수동태로 변환시 to V로 바뀐다

he think of the dog as family -> the dog is thought of as family

It remind her of her father -> she is reminded of her father

I filled my stomach with tap water -> my stomach was filled with tap water

= 능동태를 외우고 수동태로 응용한다

*get pp : 동작 중시

did you get married? : 결혼이란 행위를 해봤나요?(현재x) - I got married : 했었어(현재x)

he got shot : 그는 총을 맞았다(동작)

*be  pp:상태 중시

are you married? : 결혼한 상태인가요?(현재o) - I am married : 결혼상태야(현재o)

he was shot : 그는 총맞은 상태였다(상태)

4. 듣고난 소감 : 가끔씩 알지 못하는 내용이 나와서 궁금증이 많이 생기네요

5. 구체적인 후기 :

 영어에만 있는 특별한 문법은 아니지만 아무래도 평소에 접하지 않는 수동적인 표현이다 보니까 많이 서툴고 어렵다고 느꼈습니다

계속 반복적인 훈련이 필요하다고 생각됩니다.

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처음  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15    맨끝

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