명사절의 개념과 활용

김형섭 6일차 0 394 2017-08-22 09:20

1. 수강한 강좌명:문법의 신_기초반

2. 학습 분량 :16강

3. 알게된 내용 :

16강 명사절의 개념과 활용

종속접속사 - 절과 절만 연결

S + V + 접 + S + V 

 주절       종속절


1.명사절 : 주,목,보,동격  *명사 : 주어,타목,전목,주보,목보,동격

2.형용사절 = 관계사절

3.부사절 : 부가정보(시간,장소,방법,원인,결과,목적,정도,양보

1.명사절 : that/if,whether/wh- 

1)that + S + V : S가 V하다는 것, V하다는 사실


that he comes here so often means something to you- > it means something to you that he comes here so often

that he died so young is unacceptable -> it is unacceptable that he died so young


목적어 : that절을 받지 않는 타동사가 많음 

I understand that you like him more than me

he promised me that he would make a perfect boyfriend

                               =become        c

전치사의 목적어 : 명,대명,동명사,wh- 예외 : in,except(=save,but)는 that도 가능

he is happy in that he has many siblings : ~라는 점에 있어서

he is perfect except that he is really perfect : ~라는 점을 제외하고


be + that S + V : S가 V하다는 것이다

his idea is that we all stay together in this cabin

our conclusion is that there is something alive in this cave


관계사절은 단지 꾸미는 것이고(불완전문장 + 수식) : 남자,물,칠판...

동격은 동격의 내용이 나온다(완전한문장 + 내용) : 생각,결론,의견...

관계사절 : the information that she has given to us is so valuable

동격 : the information that she has been spying on us is shocking

2)whether,if : ~인지 아닌지 

*if : 주어자리에 못씀/or not 못씀/전치사의 목적어에 못씀


whether he will come or not is important -> it is important whether he will come or not/

                                              it is important if he will come 


I know whether he is satisfied (or not) -> i know it whether he is satisfied (or not)

it dosen’t matter if he is rich

전치사의 목적어

I am curious about whether he is a native (or not)



the question is whether he knows it or not


의문대명사 : what,who,whom,which,whose

의문형용사 : what,which,whose+명사

의문부사 : where,when,why,how

*일반적 의문문은 wh- + a,b,c/wh- + V

 명사절은 wh- + S + V/wh- + V


what he wants is this - what does he want?

where he grew is in this city - where did he grow?


I learned what he wanted – what did he want?

 알게되다(learn + 명)

I will ask where she grew up – where did she grow up

전치사의 목적어

I will sleep on what he prepares for me – what does he prepares for me?

It depends on where you are – where are you?


this is how I earn a living – how do I earn a living?

tomorrow will be when you will first meet her – when will you first meet her? 


how much money is needed for the project will be discussed – how much money~

will you tell me how many cars are exported to Korea – how many cars~ 

I don't know how sad she was at that time? - how sad was she at that time?

do you know how early she get up in the morning? - how early does she get up in the morning?

*명사절 wh-  vs 관계대명사 wh-

관계대명사앞의 선행사가 사라지면 명사절이 된다

관계대명사절 : I don't know the place where he lives

명사절 : I don't know where he lives

4. 듣고난 소감 :

어려웠어요...젤어려운파트중 하나인듯합니다.

관계대명사와 엄청 헷갈리구여 ㅜ

5. 구체적인 후기 :

어떻게 보면 영어를 배울때 가장 헷갈리지만 길게 말하기 위해서 반드시 필요한 내용이었습니다.

처음접해서 그런지 어렵고 낯설지만 계속 반복하여 정복해야겠어요 ^^


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처음  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15    맨끝

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