문법의 신_고급

하경훈 30일차 0 259 2020-08-29 03:13

 1. 수강한 강좌명:

(: 문법의신_고급반/원서독해 200/한국인을 위한 기초영작반)


2. 학습 분량 :

(: 1~3/ 1/ 2)


3. 알게된 내용 :

(오늘 본인이 수업을 들으면서 알게된 내용을 생각나는대로 자세히 적어주세요, 이것은 일련의 복습과정입니다. 그래도 최소한의 기준으로 10200자 이상을 적어봅시다!)

2형식 : 주어+동사+주보로 의미완성

주보 : 주어에 대한 보충정보 제공

1.명사군 : 명사, 대명사, 동명사, to부정, 명사절

2. 형용사, 현재분사, 과거분사



become: 존재(명사보어)나 상태(형용사보어)의 변화

ex ; come, fall, go, get, grow, make, run, turn

remain: 존재(명사보어)나 상태의 유지

ex ; remain, keep, hold, stay

오감 동사

ex : look, smell, taste, sound, feel

완곡한 판단동사 : 단언하기 보다는 주장의 수위를 낮추는 말

appear, seem

판명 동사 ; prove, turn out

측정의 결과를 나타내는 동사 : measure, weigh, stand


This is a laptop computer

My religion is this

I want to be a computer programmer

She is extravagant

I am tired

The game is exciting

My dream is to get Titanic out of the abyss

My wish is to live in scenic beauty

My job is driving a taxi

My conclusion is that they are still alive

become : 변화나 추이과정을 거쳐 그 결과 ~/가 되다,

become : 명사,형용사[분사형용사포함]만 보어로 취하고, 동명사,to부정,명사절은 안됨

He has become one of the great figures in his country

I want to become a nice wife

He became poor.

The truth became known to us all


make+ 명사

He finally made the team and was welcomed by everybodt

/1형식make for +목적지 = go to[toward] : ~쪽으로 향하다[가다]

He made for the door

He promised to make a nice husband


She went blind at the age of four

This milk will go bad within in a few hours


+형용사[:비교급, pregrant, tired, angry, dark, bored, hungry,


The man got fatter as he became older

Please don't get so hard on me. : get hard on sb/sth

Please don't get hard on your shoes

The days are getting shorter after July

grow :

1형식 : 자라다, 커지다. 성장하다

grow +형용사[분사](old,impatient,dark)

He grew old

I grew fat

When he grew rich, he decided to stop working and look for Troy

She will grow stronger after the divorce

It will soon grow dark in the mountains


turn +형용사(pale,sour,loose,nasty, sour, 색깔,날씨,cold,bad,나이

Leaves turned red and yellow in the fall

Leaves turn red,gold and orange in October

The shackle will turn loose

By the time you turn 40, you eill have built a home



This well will not run dry

My blood ran cold when I saw her face

run cold= get a goose flesh



When he fell dead, the world cried over his death

He easily falls asleep

He fell sick after he had spent a week tending the patient

He will also fall victim to your egoism


+형용사(loose, right, true, natural, undone, untied, unbuttoned

His dream will come true

That kind of thing comes natural to me

The string came undone.

4. 듣고난 소감 :


(듣고 나신 부분에 대한 간략한 소감, 후기, 추천사 등을 자유롭게 적어주세요^^)

정리가 잘 되었습니다.


5. 구체적인 후기 :

김정호 선생님 감사합니다.


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