문법의 신 고급반, 30강

이지선 29일차 0 149 2017-10-22 23:45

1. 수강한 강좌명:
문법의 신 고급반

2. 학습 분량 :


3. 알게된 내용 :


아름다운 집-수식어 한단어 형용사

내가 사고 싶은 집-수식어가 절로 이루어져 있음 house I want to buy

관계사절: 명사를 꾸미는 절

어떤 절에 명사가 있다면, 그 명사는 주어, 타목, 전목, 주보, 목보 중 하나의 역할. 절 속에서 명사가 주어인 경우를 제외하고, 어떤 명사를 수식하고 싶을 때 그 명사를 문장 제일 앞으로 보내는 것이 관계사절.

ex) I want to buy the house. -> The house I want to buy.

He asked his father to allow his girlfriend to stay with his mother. 

-> His father he asked to allow his girlfriend to stay with his mother.

-> His girlfriend he asked his father to allow to stay with his mother.

-> His mother he asked his father to allow his girlfriend to stay with.

He is afraid of making the choice.

->The choice he is afraid of making.

He became a hero. -> The hero he became.

He listened to the man. -> The man he listened to.

He gave the woman the diamond ring. -> The woman he gave the diamond ring. / The diamond ring he gave the woman.

He made the plan plausible. -> The plan he made plausible.

He made me a doctor. -> The doctor He made me.

*** He has the children help him. -> The children he has help him.

*** The man (he has had have his meal) seems to be sick of it.

 <- He has had the man have his meal

명사가 주어인데 관계사절을 사용하고 싶은 경우: 주어 다음 who, which, that 세 가지 중 하나 첨가하면 됨.

The man has me visit him. -> The man who has me visit him.

The chair I sat on in the classroom this morning was hard.

4. 듣고난 소감 :

관계사절의 기본 구조에 대해 배웠다. 관계사절이 매우 쉽게 느껴진다.

5. 구체적인 후기 :

더 세부적인 사항을 배우면 복잡해질 것이다. 

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