문법의 신 고급반, 24강

이지선 23일차 0 165 2017-10-16 23:53

1. 수강한 강좌명:
문법의 신 고급반

2. 학습 분량 :


3. 알게된 내용 :


절이기 때문에 접속사를 필요로 함. 

1) 시간의 부사절

when, as while, before, after, until, since, as soon as, as long as. by the time, once, each time, everytime, whenever

접속사 before S+V~

* it will not be long before: 머지않아 ~한다. = soon

* had not pp 수량, before S+V: ~하기도 전에 S가 V하다.

She had not read the first two chapters before she fell asleep.

두 챕터도 못 읽어서 그녀는 잠들었다.

He had not gone a mile before he fell down.

전치사 before+명사

부사 before

When he will help her with it, I will surely pay for it. 시간의 부사절에서는 will을 쓰지 않지만, 단순한 시간의 경과를 의미하는 것이 아니라 주어의 의지표명인 경우에는 will 쓰기도 함.

since 접속사와 전치사로 사용됨. 접속사로 사용될 때는 이후로, 때문에/ 전치사로 사용될 때에는 이후로

S1 완료시제, since S2+V2(과거시제)

I have not seen him since I parted with him.

until (till: ~할 때까지) 접속사, 전치사로 사용 가능

I will stay here until you call me. 

Please turn in your equipment until I come back. (X)

주절 동사가 지속성, 계속성일 때만 사용 가능. turn in(반납하다)은 완료성 동사이기 때문에 until사용 불가.

Please turn in your equipment by the time I come back.(O)

S1 not V1  until(only after 이나 only when으로 바꿀 수 있음) S2 V2: ~할 때까지 ~하지 않는다.

He did not know that you were here until they let him know.

We don't appreciate the value of time until we're run out of it.

구조 변형

It's not until(only after/only when) A that B: A하고 나서 비로소 B하다.

Not until/Only after A B(의문문으로 도치)

돌아오고 난 뒤에서야 비로소 아내가 아팠다는 것을 알았다.

I did not learn that my wife had been sick for a while until I got back home. 

= I learned that my wife had been sick for a while only after I got back home.

= It wasn't until I got back home that I learned my wife had been sick for a while.

= It was only after I got back home that I learned my wife had been wick for a while.

= Not until I got back home, did I learn that my wife had been sick for a while.

= Only after I got back home, did I learn that my wife had been sick for a while.

4. 듣고난 소감 :

동사의 뒷구조를 알고 싶다.

5. 구체적인 후기 :

날씨가 추워지고 있다. until을 좀 더 복습해야겠다.

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