학습일지 27일차

최우성 27일차 0 128 2017-10-03 18:01

1. 수강한 강좌명:문법의 신 -고급반[문법이론]

2. 학습 분량 :


3. 알게된 내용 : 관계사절-1,2

관계대명사의 생성과정

The angel helps me - The angel who helps me.

I want to buy the house - The house I want to buy

He asked his father to allow his girl friend to stay with his mother.

- His father he asked to allow his girl friend to stay with his mother.

He is afraid of making the choice.- The choise he is afraid of making

*명사와 동사가 포함된 절에서 주어 이외에 다른 명사를 피수식어로 만들 경우 해당명사를 맨 앞으로 옮기면 된다.

이때 명사 뒤에 관계사는, 제한적용법 즉 직접수식에 의한 절로 쓸 경우 관계사를 쓰지 않아도 되고 쓰려면 who(m),which,that 중 선택하면 되며, 계속적용법 즉, 추가정보를 제공할 때는 콤마를 WLr고 반드시 관계사는 써야한다,

-I have been searching for the job

= The job (which) I have been searching for:내가 찾고 있는 중인 그 직업

= The job, which I have been searching for :그 직업은 내가 찾고 있는 중인데.

* The man he has had have his meal seems to be sick of it

= He has had the man have his meal

*관계대명사의 종류


관계대명사 which 는 선행사가 사람이 아닌 경우 사용하며 콤마가 없는 수식용법이나 콤마가 있는 제한용법에서 둘 다 사용 할 수 있는데 다음의 경우 반드시 which를 쓰도록 되어 잇다

A) 선행사가 명사가 아닌 형용사 부정사 동명사 절이 오는 경우 comma를 사용하고 which를 쓴다.***

-He is very audacious, which I am not.


** 전치사 + 명사

명사 + 전치사 + which/whom

He is afraid of the cat. - The cat he is afraid of

- The cat of which he is afraid.

*** s + v ~ ( 명사 + 전치사 + 명사 )

I wrote the subject of the article

-Subject of the article I wrote

I have many dolls.

I like to play with all of them.

- I have many dolls , all of which I like to play with

* 계속적용법 (+) 추가정보 : comma , ( 명 of which/whom ) comma를 사용.

* 수식적용법


-> 동사 + 전치사 + 명사

-> 형용사 + 전치사 + 명사

= 명사 + 전치사 + which/whom S+V

-> 명사 + 전치사 + 명사

= 명사 전치사 + which/whom

ex) The cat of which I am afraid is black.

ex) The apples , some of which are rotten , sell well.

I am afraid of the cat.

The cat is black.

= The cat I am afraid of is black.

The apples sell well.

Some of the apples are rotten.

= The apples some of which are rotten sell well.


My parents are over 100 years old.

Both of them are healthy enough.

= My parents are over 100 years old , both of whom are healthy enough.

** 선행사와 관계대명사의 인접성.

- He is happy who is satisfied.

who = he

- The man lives next door to tommy who teaches history.

who = tommy

*** 명사 , whose + 명사 (S) V

-The birds , whose wings are so big , are called albatros.

- I met a girl , whose big eyes , I have never seen.

명사 , ( whose + 명사 ) = , the + 명사 of which

The house whose roof is made of straw.

=The house the roof of which is made of straw.


4. 듣고난 소감 :

*** Don't move the table under which is lying the cat

전 + 명사 (장소의 부사구) + V + S

도치 된다. 유의할 것


5. 구체적인 후기 :

관계사절의 생성과정을 학습하면서 여태 알고 있던 개념을 쉽게 정리 한 것 같다.


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