문법의 신 고급반, 32강

이지선 31일차 0 155 2017-10-24 23:29

1. 수강한 강좌명:
문법의 신 고급반

2. 학습 분량 :


3. 알게된 내용 :

관계사의 생략

전제조건: 수식적 용법

주격관계대명사는 생략할 수 없지만, 생략할 수 있는 세 경우가 있음.

a. 선행사 + who/which/that + there be

b. there be + S + who/which/that + V

c. it be + S + who/which/that + V

ex) It is Tom (who) really cares about you.

It was Jeremy (who) called you this morning.

It was a little boy (who) visited you last night.

It be that 강조구문에서 주어를 뽑아내고 난 뒤 주격관계대명사인 who/which/that 생략 가능. 하지만 어색한 표현이라서 거의 쓰지 않음.

There are many students (who) want to study it.

You have to withdraw the money (which) there is in your account.

Do you think you can refer a man who is most suitable for the position?

주격 관계사와 동사 사이에 의견 삽입절이 들어가면 주격 관계사 생략 가능. S+think류 (guess, know, believe, imagine, conside)/ S+be+형(sure, sorry, afraid...)

ex) Do you think you can refer a man (who) you are sure is most suitable for a position?

I need a boy (who) you think will be good at typing.

My boss wanrs to lay off some employees (who) he is sure are lackadaisical.

관계사 주격+be동사 생략

선행사 뒤에 'Ving, pp, 형, 전+명' 일 때만 생략 가능

Any book (that is) written by him is a best seller.

A bag (which was) full of dollars was found in the back yard.


but이 관계사일 때

There is no one but(=who/which not) loves his own country.

as, then

as    as(관계사의 역할)+V

er    than(관계사의 역할)+V

앞에 as+형용사일 때 그 다음에 나오는 명사는 as를 관계사로 씀.

ex) He is as hard a worker as has ever been employed.

As many oranges as were harvested from his grove were sold out in an hour.

which 선행사를 형용사, 동명사, to 부정사, 절 전체를 선행사로 받을 수 있음. 반드시 ,찍고 사용.

절 전체를 선행사롤 받는 것은 which 뿐만 아니라 as도 있음

which와 as의 차이점: which는 본래 목적이 관계사. 따라서 늘 선행사의 뒤에 위치/ as는 선행사 앞에 위치할 수 있음.

ex) He took it out on me, as was usual.

= He took it out on me, which was usual.

As is usual, As is expected, As is known, As is said, As is often the case...

take it out on somebody: ~에게 쏟아붇다

As is often the case, he is late for class and now we have to do something to help him.

4. 듣고난 소감 :

32강 끝 10분은 정말 명강의다.

5. 구체적인 후기 :

몰입의 1년..

번호 글쓴이 날짜
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390 48일차 학습일지 48일차 최우성 10-24
389 27일차 학습일지 이용하 10-24
388 22일차 GATE 3 최훈 10-24
387 30일차 문법의 신 고급반, 31강 이지선 10-23
386 47일차 학습일지 47일차 최우성 10-23
385 26일차 학습일지 이용하 10-23
384 21일차 GATE 2 최훈 10-23
처음  이전  166  167  168  169  170  171  172  173  174  175  176  177  178  179  180    맨끝

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