학습일지 37일차

최우성 37일차 0 222 2017-10-13 12:22

1. 수강한 강좌명:문법의 신 -고급반[문법이론]

2. 학습 분량 : 41,42

3. 알게된 내용 : 수동태-2,3

S+ vt + O (/대명/동명/tovR/명사절)


= That s+v ~ + be p.p ~

= It be p.p that s+v~

ex) It is said/thought/known/believed/considered/assumed ...

that s+v 이하가 핵심정보를 담고 있다.

** It(s1) be p.p(v1) that s2+v2 ~

= S2 + V1(be p.p) to V2 스와핑 공식 *

-He is thought to have been robbed of his treasure.

= It is thought that he was robbed of his treasure.

He is thouhgt to have p.p /vR

- He is believed to have been killed in the Vietnamese war.

= It is believed that he was killed in the vietnamese war.

* S+(V+) +O

phrasal verb.

- He was laughed at at the meeting.

S+ laugh at +O at the meeting.

- More money was asked for.

- More questions were asked for. 요구되어지다.

- More questions were asked . 질의 되어지다.

* 타동사구

1) 동사 + 전치사

2) 동사 + 부사 : out,off,in,on,up,down 등등

-carry out / The plan must be carried out in no time.


3) 동사 + 부사 + 전치사

speak of , -> be ill/will spoken of , talk to / with

4) 동사 + 명사 + 전치사

S+ pat attention to + O

-> O be paid attention to

- fill A wirh B :B가 주어로 나올수는 없다 -> be filled with

- pay attention to

여기서 attention 앞에 수식어가 붙으면 ,

He paid no attention to her.

= She was paid no attention to by him.

= No attention was paid to her.

pay attention to

catch sight of

lose sight of

take notice of

keep track of

lose track of

+ O 를 받는다

take care of 에서 take care 사이에 수식어가 붙는순간.

- Many factors have been attributed to the syndrome.(X)

- The syndrome have been attributed to many factors.

attribute A to B : AB탓으로 돌리다.

His success has been attributed to good luck.

S be attributed to O


* wh-ever (s) +v (명사절: any + + wh ~ / 양보의부사절 : No metter wh~)

be p.p +"부가정보“ :부사,부사구,부사절

* S(사람) be told :듣다.

* S(이야기) be told :말해지다.

* S be heard 말했다.


4. 듣고난 소감 :

수동태에서 타동사구를 수동태로 전환 할 때 반드시 구 전체가 다 와야한다.

전치사 다음에 바로 전치사가 나오는 것이 이상하게 보이지만 이번 강의를 통해 그 이유를 잘 알았다. 영어는 역시 짝개념이 성립되야만 한다.


5. 구체적인 후기 :

동사 + 명사 + 전치사 예를 들어 pay attention to 같은 구의 형태가 수십여가지 있는데 이것의 수동전환 까지 함께 습득해야 문장 해석을 하거나 회화에 있어서 활용할수 있을 듯 한다.


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