
최훈 6일차 0 186 2017-09-09 23:57

1. 수강한 강좌명: I-dictionary

2. 학습 분량 : 19강

3. 알게된 내용 : as to = about = as far

he said nothing as to hours

they were quarreling as to which was the stronger
he said nothing as to when he would come

as for the journey, we will decied that later
as for myself, i am not satisfied
as for me, i'll need proof

up to ~에 이르기까지, 어디까지

up to this time, no other case of it has been reported
i stood up to my knees in the water
school attendance is compulsory for all children up to the ae of fourteen
up to a hundred people were injured
let's pack a picnic and hike up to Mount Aricebo
she came up to the newspaper boy
he was in a chair with a cloth wrapped up to his neck
the water is up to their chin

feel up to Ving = feel like Ving
live up to 명사 '~에 의거해서 살다'
명사 -> 규칙, 가치관
you have managed to live up to my everyday expectation

he is not up to his father as a scholar
필적하는, 미치는

this cigar is not up to much

be up to something 계획하다 꾸미다 획책하다

do you mind telling me what you're up to ?

be up to 사람 : ~에게 달려있다.
it's all up to you
it is up to him to support his family
if it was up to me, i would
whatever happens is up to us

out of (이탈, 출처, 원인)
out of order 고장난,
out of place 제자리에놓이지 않는, 어울리지 않는
out of times 시대를 벗어난, 어울리지 않는

two bears came out of the forest
one out of many is enouh
nine cases out of ten fit the theory
he clipped the article out of a newspaper
look out of that window

out of date 뒤떨어진
out of siht, out of mind
시야에서 벗어나면 마음도 멀어진다
tom was already out of hearing
out of calling, hearing
부를 수 없는, 들을 수 없는
are you out of mind?
정신 나갔냐?
he is out of work for the time being
i am out of it
i have run out of gas
run out of 다 써버리다, 고갈시키다
run short of 다 떨어진
get out of here 여기서 나가
out of control 통제불능
out of time 시간이 부족
i stopped working out out of breath
move out of my way
he jumped out of the burning car
he was stepping in and out of the elevator

lean 구부리다 기울이다
lean on 기대다
i will keep you out of trouble
문제 되지 않도록 하겠다
kick him out of school
he appeared out of nowhere
난데없이 나타났다

out of the dark came a vague voice, "Who's there?"
어둠으로부터 희미한 목소리가 들렸다.

now, the sounds of guitars and drums are pouring out of the stadium

all the grace and beauty had one out of the majestic river

4. 듣고난 소감 :

벌써 한 강의를 다 들었다는 것이 믿기지 않는다.

5. 구체적인 후기 :

다시 한번 복습 후 내일부터 다른 강의를 도전하겠다.

번호 글쓴이 날짜
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처음  이전  181  182  183  184  185  186  187  188  189  190  191  192  193  194  195    맨끝

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