I-dictionary 1일차 다시 시작

최훈 1일차 0 254 2017-09-04 17:28

1. 수강한 강좌명:

2. 학습 분량 :


3. 알게된 내용 : 12 over

1. 위에 덮어서, 위에서
over her face 얼굴을 감싸다
over his eyes 눈 위를 덮었다
over your head 머리 위로

2. 걸쳐서, 지나서
the model plane flew over the river 강을 넘어서 날았다
somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high, there is a land that i heard of once in a lullaby
there is a great bridge called Golden Gate over the channel
그 해협에 걸쳐서 금문이라고 불리는 큰 다리가 있다.

the river flowed over its banks
그 강은 제방을 넘쳐 흘렀다

the dough flowed over my fingers
반죽은 내 손가락을 넘쳐서 흘러내렸다

if you want, you can climb over me
원한다면 나를 타고 넘어라

you've been doing good over many years
당신은 여러 해에 걸쳐 잘해오고 있다

3. 일대에, 전역에
all over + 장소 '전역에서'

there are a lot of cat hairs all over the floor

i traveled all over Europe

4. 능가하는, 넘는
it is over and above what is wanted

over 숫자 = more than 숫자
she was over eighty
the cost will be over 10 dollars each
in a little over two hours, the top of the mountain showed up
he is over me in our department
** i have a few advantages over my opponent
advantage over ~에 비하여, 비교하여

5. 시기가 끝나기 전까지
the patient will not go on over tonight
i asked her to do it over the weekend

6. ~에 관하여
we talked over the matter with our lawyer
don't bother over a small matter
talk over 주제
cry over 주제
bother over 대상 '신경쓰다'

7. 앞에 두고, 하면서
let's talk over a cup of coffee
talk over lunch 점심 먹으며 이야기 하자

8. ~에 의해, 전달수단으로
over the telephone 전화상으로
over the microphone
he whispered over my ears to look up to the sky
**you could do it over my dead body
= not till my eyes,(mouth) catch dust

9. 동사 뒤에서 반복을 뜻하는 부사
i'll think it over
i had to write the letter over and over again

10. 간격을 두고 이동하여
come over 건너가다
he called his wife over 오라고 부르다
he invited me over 오라고 초대하다
send someone over 누군가좀 보내주세요
take the books over 가져가세요
over there 건너편
over here 이리와
move over 움직여 가라

11. 형용사 over '끝나다'
the war is over

12. 동사 뒤에 over
hand over 넘겨주다 양도하다
take over 떠맡다 접수하다
look over 훑어보다 검토하다
go over 넘어가다
let's call it a day 일과를 끝내다
give over 포기하다 넘겨주다
leftover 남겨진 것
flow over
run over 타고 넘어가다

13 above 위에

above the cloud 구름 위에, 위로
a bird above the tree
a small village above the river
five doors above the school
why don't you hang it above the fireplace?
true to the best of my knowledge

the peak rises above the clouds
don't try hard to keep your head above water

~보다 이상으로
speeds above thirty miles an hour are prohibited in this area
he si above me in rank
i value honor above life
don't live above your income
we will be above the freezin point all day today

영향력이 닿지 못하는
the book is above me
you are above selfishness

14 through 관통
go through 겪다 경험하다
i passed through
pierced through
sat through
slept through

통로, 거쳐서

look through 통과하여 보다

walk through 통과하다
see through 관통해 보다
made through

through 시간 : 줄곧 내내
i have never seen it through my life
it rains hard through the year

특정장소 혹은 시간의 전역에서 빠뜨림 없이
i traveled through the area
read from page 10 through 30
he read through the book

i'm through with her 그녀와 헤어졌다.
we are through school at three
go through 겪다 경험하다
get through 마치다

수단, 동기
Big Ben is heard every day through the BBC

housekeeping is made much easier through the use of labor

15 below(=under) <-> above(=over)

거리 시간 장소 등 기준점 이하
below her right eye
below sea level
below the bridge
below the average 평균 이하다
not much below fifty 머지않아 오십이다
a major is below a colonel
소령은 대령보다 아래 이다

16 under
under pressure 압박을 받고
under Dr. Baker 지휘하에서

be under arrest 체포됩니다
i confessed my feeling for her under the influence of alcohol
술의 힘을 빌려 감정을 고백했다.

4. 듣고난 소감 :

많은 표현을 알 수 있어서 좋았다.

5. 구체적인 후기 :

이틀 쉬었더니 감이 떨어졌다.

번호 글쓴이 날짜
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처음  이전  181  182  183  184  185  186  187  188  189  190  191  192  193  194  195    맨끝

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