
최훈 9일차 0 246 2017-08-30 23:50

1. 수강한 강좌명:

2. 학습 분량 :


3. 알게된 내용 : of 숙어
1. of~
2. V+of
3. 명사 of 명사

1) B 소유의 A <소유. 부속. 소속>
the handle of the door
2) B의 행동인 A
the arrival(advent) of the computer age

the death of the business man
the birth of the calf brought our family a whole new source of happiness
3) 목적어 관계
The murder of the president will cause an outbreak of a war

*삶 소유 B's A
My mother's car
My Mothers' car
My brother's room
My brothers' room
The room of my brothers
B's A / A of B

무생물의 소유격을 걸때는 전치사 of를 사용하는 것이 문법적으로 타당하다.
some of many of most of all of none of 분수 of percent of either of one of  of all ~
Some of that bread is wet
Of all insects, locusts are the most harmful to harvest

I built the house of wood
make A of B -> be made of
build A of B -> be
make a fool of somebody
make fun of o

the city of Busan
the 보통명사 of 고유명사

A of B that fool of a man
~ 같은
an angel of a wife 천사같은 아내
a beast of a boy friend 짐승같은 남친
제거 박탈 동사 A of B
rob A of B
deprive A of B

of 숙어
It is 성품형용사 of 사람 to VR
it is kind of you to say so

수식어 명사 of 소유대명사
a my friend -> a friend of mine (0) me (x)
every problem of yours
this car of mine has an engine problem
A friend of hers has just died
a photo of theirs : 그들 소유의 한장의 사진
a photo of them : 강아지들 사진

of 추상명사 -> 형용사
of value -> valuable
of imoportance > importance
This is very useful
This is of great use
This is greatly useful
They are of a kind
            한 종류

4. 듣고난 소감 : 평소에 궁금하던 부분이 깔끔하게 해결되었다.

5. 구체적인 후기 : 복습하고 난 다음에 수업을 듣는 것이 좋다.

번호 글쓴이 날짜
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