마지막 기초 영문법

양준석 38일차 0 324 2021-09-27 00:25

1. 수강한 강좌명:마지막 기초 영문법
(예: 문법의신_고급반/원서독해 200/한국인을 위한 기초영작반)

2. 학습 분량 : 43강 비교(1)

(예: 1강 ~3강/ 1강 / 2강  )

3. 알게된 내용 :

(오늘 본인이 수업을 들으면서 알게된 내용을 생각나는대로 자세히 적어주세요, 이것은 일련의 복습과정입니다. 그래도 최소한의 기준으로 10줄 200자 이상을 적어봅시다!)

*비교: 형용사 부사의 정도, 상태, 수준을 견준다

1. 원급, 동급 비교: = 같다

2. 비교급 비교: >< 차이가 있다

3. 최상급 비교: 정점이나 저점으로 차이가 있다

- 형, 부 as 형, 부  (as는 양태접속사 ~하듯이 ~이듯이)

앞절과 뒷절에서 비교할때 문장에서 형용사를 찾는다.

As he truely loves me.

I love him with all my heart.

He is as tall as she is

공통의 형용사를 찾고, 앞의 형용사에 같은 정도의라는 부사를 넣는다.

He is not as tall as she.

=She is taller than he

=He is less tall than she

*앞 주절에 부정어 not 들어가면 부사 as를 so로 사용 할 수 있다.

(A)  as    형/부  (A) as (B)  B와 견주는 A의 위치는 형/부에 있을수도 있다.

He sits between you and me.

I have as many friends as she.

I have as many friends as cars

It is as comfortable for me to be with you as with her.


it is as hard to live here as in a desert.

1. He is young. I am young.

2. He is young as I am young.

3. He is as young as I am.

4. He is as young as I.

1. I have many friends. He has many friends.

2. I have many friends as he has many friends.

3. I have as many friends as he has.

4. I have as many friends as he.

1. He is smart. He was smart.

2. He is smart as he was smart.

3. He is as smart as he was.

1. He looks comfortable with me. He looks comfortable with Susie.

2. He looks comfortable with me as he looks comfortable with Susie.

3. He looks as comfortable with me as he looks with Susie.

4. He looks as comfortable with me as with Susie.

1. It is hard to live here. It is hard to live in my home town.

2. It is hard to live here as it is hard to live in my hometown.

3. It is as hard to live here as it is in my hometown.

4. It is as hard to live here as in my hometown.

1. He is serious. He is humorous.

2. He is serious as he is humorous.

3. He is as serious as he is humorous.

4. He is as serious as humorous.

1. The grapefruit is fresh now. It was fresh two days ago.

2. The grapefruit is fresh now as it was fresh two days ago.

3. The grapefruit is as fresh now as it was two days ago.

4. The grapefruit is as fresh now as two days ago.

no A so(as) B as C: C만큼 B한 A는 없다. 즉 C가 가장 -하다

No one is so reticent as my girlfriend.

No other man has had so revolutionary an effect on my life as he has.

I cannot think of any other thing  so important as our trust.

as 형,부  as any + 명사 :누구, 무엇 못지않게 -하다

He is covetoys as any man in my company.

He can speak as fluently as any native speaker.

as 형,부 as ever + 동사: -하는 누구, 무엇 못지않게 -하다

He was as smart a young man as ever studied in my class.

as 형, 부 as possible = as 형, 부 as one can 가능한

Please write me back as soonas possible.

Set the temperarture as high as possible.

as 형용사 as 비유어 ~처럼 ~한

as white as snow    눈처럼 하얀

as black as coal, ink, a crow 석탁, 잉크, 까마귀처럼 까만

as soft as silk  비단처럼 부드러운

as brave as a lion 사자처럼 용감한

as hungry as a wolf 늑대처럼 굶주린

as poor as a church-mouse 교회쥐처럼 가난한

as pure as water 물처럼 순수한

as stubborn as mule 노세처럼 고집센

as blind as a bat 박쥐처럼 눈 먼

as dumb as a fish 물고기처럼 멍청한

as cool as a cucumber 오이처럼 차가운

as free as the wing, a bird 바람, 새처럼 가벼운

as light as a feather 깃털처럼 가벼운

4. 듣고난 소감 :

(듣고 나신 부분에 대한 간략한 소감, 후기, 추천사 등을 자유롭게 적어주세요^^)

처음 듣는 개념이 많다.

5. 구체적인 후기 :

숙어처럼 외웠던 단순 비교는 알겠는데 비교하는 대상 A를 찾는것이 어렵다

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