마지막 기초 영문법

양준석 43일차 0 310 2021-10-02 23:33

1. 수강한 강좌명: 마지막 기초 영문법
(예: 문법의신_고급반/원서독해 200/한국인을 위한 기초영작반)

2. 학습 분량 : 48강 관계사절(3)

(예: 1강 ~3강/ 1강 / 2강  )

3. 알게된 내용 :

(오늘 본인이 수업을 들으면서 알게된 내용을 생각나는대로 자세히 적어주세요, 이것은 일련의 복습과정입니다. 그래도 최소한의 기준으로 10줄 200자 이상을 적어봅시다!)


전치사 + 명사 -시간      으로 왔을때       전치사 + which  -when

                   -장소                                                    -where

                   -원인                                                    -why

                   -방법                                                    -how/that

I like Seoul. He was born in Seoul

I like Selul in which(where) he was born.

where in/on/at + which를 where로 바꿀수 있음 (장소 정보일때)

The roof, where he fell, was very slanted

The roof was very slanted

He fell from which

명사, where S + V

콤마를 사용했으면 추가 정보가 나오는것이고

콤마를 안사용하면 where S + V가 앞 선행명사를 꾸미는 것이다

관계부사는 평범한 전치사 3개 in/ on/ at + which 만 사용한다.

왜냐하면 다른 전치사는 그 전치사를 사용했을때 고유의 개념이 사라지기 때문이다 from, during...

관계부사 when: 시간부가 정보

             where: 장소부가 정보

*in, on, at + which -> when

Do you remembe  the day when they met for the first time?

관계대명사 + S + V

의문문에서는 관계 대명사가 될 수 없다.

관계대명사는 평서문에서만 사용 할 수 있다

관계대명사의 뒷구조는 미완성이다

-관계부사 when, where, why, how의 생성

Do you remember the island? We spent our summer holiday on the island.

Do you remember the island in which we spent our summer holiday?

Do you remeber the islan where we spent our summer holiday?

I'd like to know the reason. He was absent from the meeting for a reason.

I'd like to know the reason for which he was absent from the meeting.

I'd like to know the reason why he was absent from the meeting.

That is not the way. We do things in this way here.

That is not the way in which we do things here.

That is not the way that we do things here.

-관계부사와 선행사

where와 when은 콤마와 함께 계속적 용법으로 사용 될 수 있다

He finally got to Paris, where he started a new life.

I got a job in the year of 2001, when another millenium began.

where은 보통 생략되어지는 경우가 드물지만 구어체 일부에서는 생략되기도 한다

This is the house (where) he was born and bred.

I remember the day (when) he appeared in this remote village.

This is the reason why I gave up studying.

I like the way (that) he treats me.

복합 관계대명사

명사절을 유도할때

whoever + V =anyone who + V

Whoever wants it will have it

=Anyone who wasts t will have it.

Give it to whoever wants it.

=Give it to anyone who wants it

whatever + (S) + V = anything that + (S) + V

Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.

=Anything that is worth doing is worth doing well.

Whomever + S + V = anyone whom + S + V

Marry whomever you like.

=Marry anyone whom you like.

Whichever + (S) + V = anything that + (S) + V

Choose whichever you want

=Choose anything that you want.

whosever + ...(S) + V

Who9sever house you buy in this community will be very large.

=Anybody's house that you buy in this community will be very large.

Wh-ever + (S) + V = no matter wh- + (S) + V

whoever says so, he is a liar =No matter who says so, he is a liar.

4. 듣고난 소감 :

(듣고 나신 부분에 대한 간략한 소감, 후기, 추천사 등을 자유롭게 적어주세요^^)

관계부사를 이리 명쾌하게 설명하는 강의는 처음 봤음!

5. 구체적인 후기 :

예전엔 용어이해를 잘 못했던듯 하다. 역시 타미샘!!


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