
양준석 44일차 0 376 2021-10-03 22:58

1. 수강한 강좌명: 최영단 1
(예: 문법의신_고급반/원서독해 200/한국인을 위한 기초영작반)

2. 학습 분량 : 1강

(예: 1강 ~3강/ 1강 / 2강  )

3. 알게된 내용 :

(오늘 본인이 수업을 들으면서 알게된 내용을 생각나는대로 자세히 적어주세요, 이것은 일련의 복습과정입니다. 그래도 최소한의 기준으로 10줄 200자 이상을 적어봅시다!)


abide: 머무르다, 지속하다

abide here/there: 여기, 거기서 살다

abide in: -에서 살다

Abide with us.

We abide in the same place.

abide by (약속 규칙 등을) 지키다, 따르다

Do your best and abide by the event.

You must abide by your promise.

abide + 명사 / abide + to V.R (주로 부정구문으로) 감수하다, 감내하다, 견디다

A good  housekeeper cannot abide dirt.

He cannot abide to stay in one position for long

abode 거주지.집  reside 살다. residence 거주지, 집

You are most welcome to my humble abode.


accommodate + 명사 -에게 편의를 제공하다

                      A with B A에게 B를 마련해주다

Boats are specially equipped to accommodate the sailors.

accommodate + 명사 숙박(수용)시키다                          

                       A to B A를 B에게 적응시키다              적응시키다 accustom/fit/adjust/adapt

The hotel can accommodate 500 guests.

They have accommodated themselves to new surroundings.

be accommodated 설비가 갖추어져 있다

The hotel is well accommodated.

accommodation 숙소, 시설, 협상, 숙박

Hotel accommodation is included in the price of your holiday.


account + 명사 + (to be) 보어 -을 -라고 생각하다. 간주하다

I account him (to be) a man of sense.

In a law, a man is accounted (to be) innocent until he is proved guilty.

account for 설명하다, 책임지다, 이유가 되다, (비율을) 점하다, 상세히 보고하다

He accounted for the accident.

China alone accounts for some 40 percent of global oil demand growth over the past  four years.

I am to account to my parents for the monthly allowance.

That accounts for his absence.


accuse + 명사 -를 비난, 고발하다

No one can accuse the child.

accuse + A of B A를 B의 혐의로 비난, 고발하다

She accused him of stealing her car.

Joan of Arc was accused of being a withch.

accuse + A as B A를 B로서 비난, 고발하다

He accused his friend James as a murderer.

accuse + 명사 + that S +V 명사를 that 의 사실로 고발하다

She accused him that he had stolen her car.

accusation 혐의 비난 고발 기소

He denied the accusation that he had ignored the problems.


acknowlede + 명사 / Ving /that S+ V 인정하다 마지못해 인정하다

He acknowledged the thuth of it.

He acknowledged that he was wrong.

acknowledge + 명사 + (to be) 보어 인정하다, 마지못해 인정하다

He acknowledged the man to be his legitimate child


add + 명사 -를 더하다

Residents in New York, please add 8%sales tax.

add A to B A를 B에 더하다

He added sugar to tea.

add to 증가시키다 =increase

This will add to our pleasure.

add that S + V 부연하여 말하다. 덧붙이다

He said good bye and added that he had had a plesant visit.

addition 덧셈, 추가된

The latest addition to our range of cars will be released.

additve 첨가물, 첨가제

Additive-free orange juice is preferred.


address +명사 연설하다, 말걸다, 주소적다, 적극적으로 대처하다. 칭하다

He stood up to address an assembly.

A man with a sad look on his face addressed me  in the train.

I addressed a letter to my grandfather.

He addresed the matter immediately.

address + A as B  A를 B로 칭하다

You are to address him as 'General'

We address the king as your Majesty.

address A to B B에게 A를 전하다, 제출하다

He addressed a warning to his friend.

admit = acknowedge

admit  + 명사 -을 인정하다

This ticket admits two persons.

admit + Ving -하는 것을 인정하다

He admits having done it himself.

admit + that S + V 사실을 인정하다

She admitted that she had made a mistake.

They admit it is extremely difficult to determine what should nd should not be retouched.

admit + 명사 (to be) + 보어 -를 -라고 인정하다

He admitted th error to be his own.

admit + A (in) to B A를 B에 들어오도록 인정하다

We admit aliens into our club.

He was admitted to tha third year class.

4. 듣고난 소감 :

(듣고 나신 부분에 대한 간략한 소감, 후기, 추천사 등을 자유롭게 적어주세요^^)

동사의 뒷구조와 함께 외우도록 노력해야겠다

5. 구체적인 후기 :

 단어 암기방법에 대한 타미샘의 말씀을 실천해 보려한다!


번호 글쓴이 날짜
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처음  이전  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60    맨끝

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