
전애란 38일차 0 130 2020-07-27 21:48

1. 수강한 강좌명:독해혁명2
(예: 문법의신_고급반/원서독해 200/한국인을 위한 기초영작반)

2. 학습 분량 :18강

(예: 1강 ~3강/ 1강 / 2강  )

3. 알게된 내용 :

[Special structure]

1. However logical and rational these judgements of personal necessity(are), when the number of cars on earth is multiplied one hundred million times, the result is social insanity. 

-> wh-ever s+be동사 양보절에서 be 동사 생략 가능하다. 

2. I tried to say I had been in the wrong when I knew I had been (in the wrong).

-> 대동사 had been 뒤에 전치사구 생략되어 있다. 

3. Never before in history had man been so much the servant of a machine, as he is today (the servant) of the automobile.

-> No A so B as C c만큼 b한 a는 없다. 

4. Before he was allowed to land in the country, he was asked many questions, as all immigrants are (asked many questions).

5. He was seldom, if (he is) ever (provoked), provoked into treating any person with unkindness.

-> if ever은 '설령 했다 치더라도'로 해석

4. 듣고난 소감 :생략에 대한 독해구문을 살펴볼 수 있어서 좋았습니다. 

(듣고 나신 부분에 대한 간략한 소감, 후기, 추천사 등을 자유롭게 적어주세요^^)

5. 구체적인 후기 :감사합니다!


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