문법의 신 - 고급

하경훈 34일차 0 203 2020-09-02 03:37

1. 수강한 강좌명:

(: 문법의신_고급반/원서독해 200/한국인을 위한 기초영작반)


2. 학습 분량 :

(: 1~3/ 1/ 2)


3. 알게된 내용 :

(오늘 본인이 수업을 들으면서 알게된 내용을 생각나는대로 자세히 적어주세요, 이것은 일련의 복습과정입니다. 그래도 최소한의 기준으로 10200자 이상을 적어봅시다!)

전치사를 붙이지 않는 완전타동사 1

1. reach + 타목 : ~에 당도하다

The conflict has reached a new level of intensity

2. attend + 타목: ~~에 참석하다, ~에 다니다

How many people attend church every Sunday?

attend to +대상 : 주의하다, 신경 쓰다

attend on + 대상 : 돌보다

You must attend to your attire when going to a job interview

3. obey + 타목 :~에 순종하다

The driver did not obey the traffic laws

4.enter + 타목(물리적 장소) : ~에 들어가다

Where did the bullet enter the body?

enter into

They entered into a more decisive conversation

5. approach + 타목 ; ~에 접근하다

What is the best way of approaching this problem?

6.contact + 타목 : ~에 접촉하다, ~와 연락하다

If you have any questions , please feel to contact us

7.answer+ 타목 : ~에 답하다

You haven't answered my questions

8.greet + 타목 : ~에게 인사하다

We want to greet your parents in your traditional way

9.address + 타목 : ~에게 연설하다, ~에게 말을 걸다

What is your main message to people when you address them?

10. visit + 타목 : ~에 방문하다

I hope I will be able to visit other places than this

11. oppose + 타목 : ~에 반대하다

An absolute majority of the people oppose the new taxation policy

12. influence + 타목 : ~에 영향을 주다

Here are some factors that influence the way nations treat immigrants.

13. affect + 타목 : ~에 영향을 주다

Did the rain affect you in any way?

A : Can you contact her with this number?

B : Of course. I can make a quick contact to her

I approach her in a gentle way

I tried to make a gentle approach to her

Will you visit her this summer?

Will you pay a visit to her this summer?

He influenced my life

He had an influence on my life

have an influence[effect] on = influence = affeact :

/ the answer(명사) to 전목/the address(명사) to 전목

전치사를 붙이지 않는 완전타동사 2

1. become + 타목 : ~와 잘 어울리다

The hat becomes you

2. mention + 타목 : ~를 언급하다

Did he mention his name?


walk + 타목 : ~을 걷게 하다,~와 함께 걷다, ~을 산책시키다

I'll walk you home

I like to walk my dog every afternoon

4. accompany + 타목 : ~와 동행하다 ~을 수반하다

His wife and son accompanied him on the trip

5. divorce + 타목 : ~와 이혼하다

She is divorcing her husband

6. join + 타목 : ~와 함께하다

More than 20 members of the staff joined the strike

7. inhabit + 타목 : ~에서 거주하다

A large number of crocodiles inhabit this river

8. drive + 타목 : 몰다, 차에 태워주다

I used to drive Miss Hilton

9. lack + 타목 : ~을 충분히 가지지 못하다

Some house in the region still lack basic amenities like bathrooms

10. thank + 타목 : ~에게 감사하다

There is no need to thank him - He just enjoying doing it

11. invole + 목적어 : ~을 연루,시키다,

Many of the crimes involved drugs

많은 범죄들이 마약을 수반한다.

12. concern + 타목 : ~를 걱정시키다, / 연루시키다

Do not interfere in what does not conern you

13. discuss + 타목 : ~를 논의하다

I don't feel like discussing this matter on the phone

14. graduate + 타목 : ~를 졸업시키다, 배출하다

The school graduated about 200 students last year

15. resemble + 타목 : ~를 닮다,

So many apartments resemble each other

16. marry + 타목 : ~와 결혼하다, ~을 결혼시키다

I am going to marry her someday

The local priest has married many of the youngsters

17. survive + 타목 : ~보다 오래 살다

He is survived by his wife and two sons

Many wading birds don't survive the severe winter

4. 듣고난 소감 :


(듣고 나신 부분에 대한 간략한 소감, 후기, 추천사 등을 자유롭게 적어주세요^^)

정리가 잘 되었습니다.


5. 구체적인 후기 :

김정호 선생님 감사합니다.


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