back to the basics

하경훈 22일차 0 305 2020-08-21 06:44

1. 수강한 강좌명:

(: 문법의신_고급반/원서독해 200/한국인을 위한 기초영작반)

back to the basics


2. 학습 분량 :


(: 1~3/ 1/ 2)



3. 알게된 내용 :


(오늘 본인이 수업을 들으면서 알게된 내용을 생각나는대로 자세히 적어주세요, 이것은 일련의 복습과정입니다. 그래도 최소한의 기준으로 10200자 이상을 적어봅시다!)

last : 지속되다 Our love will late even in the after life

appear = show[turn] up : 나타나다, 등장하다, 출현하다

Why didn't you show up last night?

disappear : 사라지다,없어지다

vary : The weather varies houly in this region

change : 바뀌다[변화되다]

remain : 남다, I will remain even after they are all gone

develop : 커지다, 생겨나다, 도지다

Plants develop from seeds, Symptons of cancer developed

A cold will develop if you keep working in the rain

hurry : 서둘러[급히] 가다 I hurried to the station

rush : 돌진하다 : He rushed toward me

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread

hurt = ache : 아프다 A : Does it hurt? B : My back often aches

occur : 일어나다,생기다,발생하다

Security events occur when there is no police officer

happen : 일어나다, 생기다, 발생하다

arise : 일어나다, 생기다, 발생하다

break out 발생[발발]하다

flow 흐르다, The river flows into the Mediterranean Sea

blow : 불다 The wind is blowing hard

awake : (잠이) 깨다 He awakes to the sound of the church bell

differ : 다르다 His opinion differs from mine

disappear : 사라지다,

The fog disappeared and a great castle presented itself

emerge : 나타나다 Whatch out! Speeding cars emerge

gather : 모이다 We gathered for the feast

graduate : 졸업하다 He graduated from Hankook University of Foreign Studies

grow : 성장하다 I grew up in the suburbs

lie : 놓여있다,The Alps lies mostly in Switzerland /눕다/ 거짓말하다

resign : 은퇴[퇴직,사직]하다 I will not resign intil the age of 55 /체념[단념]하다


There will be another chance

He is in a bad mood

The city is under the sea, My life is in your hands

turn : 돌다,회전하다 The earth turns every day

4. 듣고난 소감 :


(듣고 나신 부분에 대한 간략한 소감, 후기, 추천사 등을 자유롭게 적어주세요^^)

정리가 잘 되었습니다.


5. 구체적인 후기 :

김정호 선생님 감사합니다.


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