back to the basics

하경훈 13일차 0 258 2020-08-12 23:08

1. 수강한 강좌명:

(: 문법의신_고급반/원서독해 200/한국인을 위한 기초영작반)

back to the basics


2. 학습 분량 :


(: 1~3/ 1/ 2)



3. 알게된 내용 :


(오늘 본인이 수업을 들으면서 알게된 내용을 생각나는대로 자세히 적어주세요, 이것은 일련의 복습과정입니다. 그래도 최소한의 기준으로 10200자 이상을 적어봅시다!)

industrial : industrious /desirous : desirable /credulous : credible

sensitive : sensible : sensory : sensual / contemptible : contemptuous :

imaginable : imaginary : imaginative / literal : literary : literate

successful : successive / economic : economical / heathful : healthy /

considerable :considerable / respectable : respectful : respective

beneficial : beneficent /popular : populous / pracicable : practical

urban : urbane [ǝːrbéin] / human : humane / negligent : negligible /

tolerable : tolerant / childlike : childish / different : indifferent

favorable: favorite / competent : competive /comparable : comparative :

eminent : imminent / jealous : zeaolus / momentous : momentary

terrible : terrific / social : sociable / several : severe /moral : mortal

monetary : monitory / fertile : futile

두 단어 이상의 형용사구가 명사를 앞에서 꾸밀 수도 있다.

He is a three - year - old boy

She is a stay-at-home wife

This is nicely-carved statue

(4) 명사 + 형용사 + α

전치사 of를 받는 경우

be afraid of/be aware of/ be conscious of /be unware[unconscious, ignorant] of :

be sure of ex :I am sure of his successbe / be full of/be independent of :

ex: I am independent of my parents now.

be free of The room is free of germ

be fond of / be desirous of

be proud of

전치사 to를 받는 경우

be averse to He is averse to rural life

be equal to / be similar to /be vital to His opinion is vital to our desision

be open to The golf competition is open to amateurs as well

be indifferent to / be addicited to

전치사 for를 받는 경우

be famous for / be notorious for / be bound for

The express is bound for Busan

be responsible[liable] for You are not liable for the bankruptcy

be eager[anxious] for He is eager for your return

전치사 on를 받는 경우

be dependent on He is emotionally dependent on his grandparents :

be based on / Inference must be based on facts

전치사 with를 받는 경우

be familiar with I am familiar with the terrains of this area

be acquainted with : ~을 알고 있다

be obsessed with : ~에 사로잡히다

전치사 at를 받는 경우

be good at/be bad[poor] at I am poor at making excuses

be mad at / be slow at/ be quick at

전치사 about를 받는 경우

be anxious[concerened] about He anxious about your phisical conditions

be crazy[enthusiastic] about / I am crazy about her /

전치사 in를 받는 경우

be involved in He dosen't want to be involved on this matter

be interested in

전치사 from를 받는 경우

be different from Yours is different from mine

that절을 받는 경우 :

be afraid that/ be proud that/ be aware[conscious] that

be unware[unconscious, ignorant] that /be sure[certain,] that

be glad that : I am glad that you came

be sorry that : I am sorry that I can't help you

to부정사를 받는 경우

be likely[liable,apt] to부정

be certain[sure] to부정 / be ready to부정 /be able to부정

/be eager to부정 /be inclined to부정 / be willing to부정 /be unwilling to부정

be reluctant to 부정 /be due to부정 / be free to 부정 :

You are free to use my computer

be lucky to부정 : He is lucky to have a good friend like you

4. 듣고난 소감 :


(듣고 나신 부분에 대한 간략한 소감, 후기, 추천사 등을 자유롭게 적어주세요^^)

정리가 잘 되었습니다.


5. 구체적인 후기 :

김정호 선생님 감사합니다.


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