최우선영단어 ( 핵심동사 )

유경덕 35일차 0 83 2023-08-20 19:51

1. 수강한 강좌명: 최우선 영단어 ( 핵심동사 ) 

2. 학습 분량 : 35강

3. 알게된 내용 :

suffer + 명사 : 겪다, 경험하다 ( 주로 안좋은 일 ) 

He suffered the capital punishment for his murder 

The farmers had to suffer considerable losses from bad crops 

suffer ( 자동사 ) : 괴로워하다, 병을 앓다, 상처 입다, 손해보다 

His foreign trade suffered greatly during the war 

His reputation will suffer if he keeps on lying on the matter 

suffer from : ~로 부터 고통 받다, 손해보다

We may no longer suffer from the disease if he can succeed in finding a cure 

suggest + 명사 : 제안하다, 권하다, 암시하다 

I suggested 'no' by shaking my head 

Wehn i suggested George for president, all agreed 

suggest + ving : ~ 하자고 제안하다 

Mary suggested taking a nap after lunch 

Can you suggest how to get there in time? 

suggest + 명사 / that s + v : 넌지시 알리다, 암시하다 

ex) She suggested a blind betting 

suggestion : 제안, 의견, 시사, 암시 

* suggestion that s + (should) + vr : s가 vr 해야 한다는 제안 => '동격'적 해석

* suggestion that s + v => s가 v하다는 암시 

suggestive : 연상시키는, 외설적인 

Music that is suggestive of warm summer days was played 

suppose + 명사 / that s+v : 상상하다, 가정하다 

ex) Let's suppose that what he said is true 

* It is supposed that s + v => 가주, 진주 구조로써, that 이하의 사실이 가정되어진다는 수동태적 해석

be supposed to : ~ 하는 것으로 여겨지다, ~ 하기로 되어있다 ( 예정, 의무 ) 

You are supposed not to drowse druing lessons ( 의무 적 해석 ) 

The box is supposed to have item they sent 

What am i supposed to say should he ever find another girl? 

suspect : ~아마 ~일 것라고 의심하다 <=> doubt : 그럴리 없다고 생각하다

I suspected that he was with her => 그가 그녀와 있다고 생각 

I doubt that he was with her => 그가 그녀와 있다고 생각하지 않는다 

suspect a of b : a를 b의 혐으로 의심하다 

ex) Several people have been suspected of the murder 

suspocion : 혐의, 의심 

He was arrested on suspicion of murder  

4. 듣고난 소감 :

(듣고 나신 부분에 대한 간략한 소감, 후기, 추천사 등을 자유롭게 적어주세요^^)

5. 구체적인 후기 :


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