문법의 신

장재영 43일차 0 204 2020-09-23 23:49

1. 수강한 강좌명:
문법의 신

2. 학습 분량 :

27강[10. 부사절-④] 원인,이유의 부사절 (p.299~)

3. 알게된 내용 :

원인 이유의 부사절

as, beacuse, since, now that, for S+V

S+V+not, because S+V -> 해석을 순서대로

S+V+not because S+V -> 1.해석 순서대로 2. 역순으로

Don't despise a man because he is poor.

I didn't go there because I wanted to see her

-> I went go there not because I wanted to see her.

I didn't kill caeser because I love him less but because I loved Rome more

-> I kill caeser not because~ but because~

정도의 부사절 

매우 + 형 부

So 형부 ~ that S+V : 매우 ~해서 ~gkf wjdehdlek.

= 형.부 enough,sufficiently that S+V

So 형부 ~ that S cannot V

= too ~tov

it's so hot today that I cannot go out

It's too hot today for me to go out

such 관 형 명 ~ that S+V

so 형 관 명

so many much 명

S be so 형 ~ that S+V

그는 매우 정직해서 거짓말을 해본적이 없을 정도이다.

He is so honest that he has never told a lie

His honesty is such that he~

Such is his honesty that he~

I kicked him so hard he fell down (O) - that 생략

I kicked him hard he fell down (X)

I kicked him very hard he fell down (X)

I kicked him hard enough he fell down (O)

4. 듣고난 소감 :

such 관 형 명

so 형 관 명

such is 소유격 명사

이 부분을 잘 정리했습니다.

5. 구체적인 후기 : 복습 열심히 할게요


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