구문 질문드려요

임인규 공무원 1 1,660 2014-06-04 00:50

1. By and by I was told by someone that birds could not be caught by putting salt on their tails, that I was being made a fool of, and this was a great shock to me, since I had been taught to believe that it was wicked to tell a lie.
Now for the first time in my life I discovered that there were lies and lies, or untruths that were not lies.

make가 5식동사로 쓰인것은 알겠는데

a fool 뒤에 나온 전치사 of는 어떻게 나온거죠?

그리고 이 전치사 of의 전짝은 누구인가요?ㅠㅠ


2. Once you have your coins , may I be so bold

as to recommend out there , Threes, and Monument

Valley ? The ever - useful Plex is also on sale for

just 99coins right now as well.

as bold as to부정사 구조는

to부정사 하는것 만큼 용감한 이라는 뜻인가요?

그리고 앞의 as는 so로 치환된것인지요?ㅠㅠ

14-06-04 14:52  
1. make a fool of + 목적어 : -를 놀리다
He made a fool of me = I was made a fool of by him
2. so 형부 as to = 형부 enough to
번호 글쓴이 날짜
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