선생님 구조분석질문드려요

임인규 기초영어 1 1,669 2014-04-20 15:02

But it has already been made clear that the first judgment of this case is full of too many too unsatisfactory conditions, and in this connection, there is no room for doubting that the first judgment of this case is sure to become void if this case is to be subjected to reexamination in the superior court by judicial officers who are deeply conscious of their duty as the representatives of public interests and therefore cannot feel themselves too sympathetic towards the judicial policy of Mr.Kim who, in spite of his being a highest judge of the court , proved himself anti-democratic by his insistence upon the necessity of passing guilty judgment on the cases of leftists, irrespective of reasons.

1. too many too는 일종의 부사구이고 관용어인가용?


2. cannot ~ sympathetic 을 직역해보면 그들자신들을

매우 서로마음이 맞다고 느낀다는 뜻 맞는지요? ㅠ


3. irrespective of reasons는 문맥상

앞의 동명사 passing guilty judgment ~ leftists 에

걸리는 것 맞나요? 그리고 이것은 추가보어 혹은

분사구문으로 보아야 하나요? 생략된 주어는 

Mr. Kim으로 보면 되나요?ㅠ

14-04-26 17:52  
many unsatisfactory conditions 를 수식하는 두개의 형용사인 many , unsatisfactory 에 각각 too 가 붙인 것입니다
너무 많고 너무 불만족스러운 조건들
2. 아무리 동정해도 지나칠 수 없는 cannot .. too 의 해석법
3. irrespective of 는 숙어 입니다 --와 상관없는, 관계없이
번호 글쓴이 날짜
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