teg 727번
As parents , we are not giving our children what they
need , so much as what we think will shield them from seeing
whatever it is in us that we think we lack.
제일끝에 나온 that절 이하는 관계사절이라고 가르쳐주셧는데
선행사는 whatever인가요?? wh-ever가 이렇게 선행사가
되는것이 가능한가요? 그리구요 이것을 it be that 강조구문 안에서
whatever가 강조되었다고 볼수는 없을까요?
you might have a reason to be more engaged and less full
of whatever it is that you've been pumping into your veins.
less full of~ 이하는 which is가 생략된 관계사절로 reason을
후치수식하는거로 보면 되나요?
선행사는 당현히 whatever 가 될 수 있습니다
to be more engaged and to be less full of 이하