하나더 관련질문입니당

최은석 공무원 1 1,660 2014-04-11 17:06

when we are interested in a certain type of progress ,

we restrict the term "progressive" to those cultures

which are at the forefront in that type of development ,

and pay little attention to the others.

progress thus never represents anything more than

the maximum progress in a given direction ,

predetermined by the interests of the obsever.

교수님.. 여기서도 anything more than이 쓰였고

than뒤의 구조가 명사인데요. 도대체 무슨 구조인지요?ㅠ


I love this more than anything in the world.

I need you more than anything in my life.

긍정문에서 쓰였고 어순이 more than anything으로 바뀌

었는데 왜 그런건가요?ㅠ 또 more than anything 자체가

짝도 없는데 문장 내에서 품사상 무슨역할을 하는건가요?ㅠ

부탁좀 드립니다..

14-04-11 19:22  
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