
이지은 TEG 1 1,228 2014-01-14 07:09
1.who does the writer suggest could supply the needed items? 앞문장 강조했는데 맞는지 봐주세요 who does the writer suggest it is that could supply the needed items? // 2. what do you think it is that makes so sad ? 앞문장을 단순 의문문으로 바꾸면 what do you think makes so sad? 맞나요? ( 테그책에 의문사 강조가 한장이라 아쉽습니다 ㅠ.ㅠ......)
14-01-14 19:24  
두 번째 문장에서는 makes 의 목적어가 없네요.. 맞습니다^^
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