선생님 질문드릴게요

이태곤 공무원 1 1,712 2014-03-17 09:25

It is sometimes stated that artists are productive in a worthwhile manner in proportion to their revolutionary sympathies. For example, it is claimed that the poetry Wordsworth wrote when he was in sympathy with the French Revolution could be classified as great, whereas that which he wrote when he lost his revolutionary sympathies was unexciting and dry.


1. 빨간색 부분이 could be ~ 동사의 주어인것 같은데요

그렇다면 여기서 wrote는 동사가 아닌 명사로 쓰인것 맞나요?

2. 파란색 부분요~ as 가 전치사 이고

(being) great 로 동명사구조 맞나요?

원급비교도 아닌데 as뒤에서 형용사가 나와서 이상하네요 ㅠ

14-03-17 22:09  
1. the poetry 가 주어입니다 워즈워드가 썼던 이하는 관계사절이구요
2. 네 맞습니다
전치사 as 다음에는 being 형용사구조에서 being 이 자주 생략되고 형용사만 나옵니다 하지만 이거은 전치사입니다
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