
이동훈 TEG 1 1,472 2013-11-30 22:38
i cannot but think that the foundations of all natural knowledge were laid when the reason of man first came face to face with the facts of nature, when the savage first learned that the fingers of one hand are fewer than those of both; that a stone stops where it is unless it be moved, and that it drops from the hand which lets it go, when~ (이하생략). Q 마지막에서 두번째줄 unless 이하절에서 원형be동사를 쓴 문법적 근거는 어떻게 되나요???
13-12-01 22:04  
unless 는 if not 의 의미인데 가정법조건문에서 현재시제 대신 원형을 쓰기도 합니다 주로 학문적인 글에서 나오는 문어체입니다 unless it is moved 와 같은 의미입니다
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