어순과 도치 간단한 질문있습니다.
김상엽 | 2012-12-08

TegA 197p

문제 49번 2번 예문.

 Never since the beginning of time humans have been willing to reduce their own population in order to protect

other species from becoming extinct.

 이 지문에서요 since he beginning of time. 이 앞으로 들어와서 제 눈에 문법상 헷갈려서요.

 Never 을 Not ever 로 바꿔 밨는데요.

 Not ever since the beginning of time 으로  바꾸었을 때 뒤에 구조는 have humans been willing to~

이렇게 바꿀 수 있는 건가요 ㅇ.ㅇ? 완벽한가요?

=> Not ever since the beginning of time have humans been willing to reduce their own population in order to protect

   other species from becoming extinct.

12-12-24 17:12  

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