토익문제 질문드려요

이동훈 토익 1 1,385 2014-04-03 20:19

1.Vernon Medical Center will raise its_____ for outpatient assistance, including clinic appointments and laboratory tests.

a) fees  b) taxes

선생님 왜 b 가안되는 거죠????

2. The board members of Portia Coffee Company have______ some policy changes to accommodate the requests of the worker unions.

a) noticed    b) instituted

선생님 왜 a 가 안되는거죠????

3. To get further feedback on the new advertisements, the director of marketing has arranged several _____with promotion advisors.

a) proposals   b) arguments  c) consultation

a.b 는 답이 되질 않나요?

14-04-04 22:48  
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