
김성욱 기초영어 1 1,875 2014-06-22 15:42

My eight-year-old daughter found a wig in the garbage dumpster this morning. I walked into the kitchen , highly irritated that I couldn't make a respectable knot in my green silk tie , and there she was at the table , eating cereal and reading the funnies , the wig pulled tightly over her head. I asked where she got the wig and  she told me , her mouth full of ceral. When I advised her that we don't wear things we find in the garbage , she continued eating and reading as if she didn't hear me. I wanted her to take that wig off but I couldn't ask her to do it. I forgot all about my tie and going to work. I looked out the window where mist was falling slowly on the street.


1. forgot + 동명사는 ~했던 것을 잊어버렸다 인데

문맥상 ~해야하는것을 잊어버렸다가 적절하지 않나요?ㅠㅠ

즉 forgot to go to work가 되어야 할것같은데..

도와주세요 선생님..


2. 빨간색문장요 .. 타미선생님. 관계부사 where대신에

전치사+ 관계대명사로도 쓸수가 있잖아요?ㅜ

위 문장에선 where 대용으로 어떤것이 가장 적절하나용??

14-06-23 17:01  
1. 전치사 about 의 공통목적어 my tie and going to work
2. 내용상 안개가 서서히 길위로 떨어지고 있는 / 이라는 의미인데 실제로 창문위에 떨어지는 것이 아니라 창에서 바라본 풍경의 내용을 그렇게 그린 것이므로 in which, on which 모두 가능하다고 봄
번호 글쓴이 날짜
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