선생님 예전 수능 기출문제 질문좀 드립니다
They use their front legs to catch their prey, and then they bite and crush the prey. Some even build a trapdoor which they hide under, then when their prey comes on the trapdoor, they jump out at it. When the spider is pregnant, she attaches the egg sac to herself, then she tears the egg sac open. The babies crawl onto the mother and stay there for about one week.
초록색과 파란색 then이 포함된 문장에서 절과 절을 잇는 등위접속사가 안보여요 then이 부사로 쓰이는 경우만 봐서 어색해 보입니다 여기서는 특이하게 접속사 역할을 한다고 봐야할까요?