
이동훈 기초영어 1 1,633 2014-05-29 12:53

1. you can make lots of professional connections that are as just as, if not more, valuable than the connections that you can make at college. 

선생님 that are as just as , if not more, valuable than 에서 as just as 부분이 해석이 잘안됩니다


2. Whatever the mind man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughs are things! And powerful things at that , when mixed definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches.

선생님 밑줄 that 단순히 지시대명사인가요??

14-05-30 19:25  
1. 번 지문은 출처를 부탁드립니다
2. 네 전치사 at 의 목적어인 지시대명사입니다 그리고 thoughs are things 도 한번 오타쳌 해 보세요..
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