
김한슬 공무원 1 1,408 2014-02-17 13:13

Q1) All but you and me were satisfied.

이 문장에서 주어는 무엇입니까?


Q2) What a woman feels she has been assigned the role of silently listening audience does not mean that a man feels he has consigned her to that role. 에서 마지막 to that role이 왜 잘못되었는지 모르겠습니다.


Q3) There seem to be fewer tourists.

There seems to have been a mistake.

각 문장의 주어가 무엇인지 모르겠습니다.


Q4) Not until they began cultivating tobacoo for sale abroad they could finance their activities and develop their country.

they began cultivating 와 they could finance 어디를 도치시키는 것이 맞는지 모르겠습니다.


Q5) Hardly had the game begun, when it started raining.

이 문장이 어색한 것 같은데 왜 맞는 문장인지 모르겠습니다.

14-02-18 18:55  
1. all 2. 어디서 나온 문제입니까? what 이 잘못인듯 한데요
3. fewer tourists / a mistake 가 각각 주어
4. could they find
5. 왜 어색한 것 인지요? 공식이 존재합니다 문법교재를 참조하세요
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