공무원 어휘강의 307번 예문이에요!
Suyveys show that as many as one third of job candidates embellish therir resumes.
요기서 that 절 뒤에 문장이요....
As many as one third of job candidates embellish therir resumes.
문법의 신 강의 들었던거 생각해보니.. 이게 원래 어떤 문장이었는지 궁금해서요 ㅠㅠ
Many job candidates embellish therir resumes.
One third of job candidates embellish therir resumes.
원래는 이랬는데
Many job candidates embellish therir resumes as one third of job candidates embellish therir resumes.
이렇게 되어서 공통되는거 다 생략하고
As many as one third of job candidates embellish therir resumes.
이렇게 된 건가요??
아무리 생각해도 아닌거 같아서요ㅠㅠ
그냥 해석되니까 넘어가려구했는데 갑자기 찝찝해서요ㅠㅠ
원래 어떤 문장이었나요????