무슨 that 인가요?

이지은 편입 1 829 2014-10-26 13:03

Elizabeth told him that the letter he wrote to her had made her angry at first, then removed the prejudice she felt against him. she asked him how he felt when he saw her at Pemberly, and he told her what he had felt. That he had tried to prove he felt no bitterness towards her.

선생님 밑줄 that 은 무슨 That 인가요??

14-10-27 18:14  
문장이 끊어졌지만 앞의 what he had felt 에 대한 부연설명 즉 그가 느꼈었던 것 다시 말해 그가 그녀에 대해 아무런 악감정을 느끼지 않았다는것을 그가 입증하려고 애썼다는 사실을 말했다 입니다. ㅡ앞의 ... told her that he had tried to .. 에 연결되는 것입니다
번호 글쓴이 날짜
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