이 문장구조좀 봐주세요

안희숙 편입 1 1,942 2012-09-22 23:55

Among writers who have left behind them works sufficient to keep thier memory



alive, one here and there has also had the peculiar power to impress his personality,



not only upon his contemporaries, but upon posterity likewise, which accordingly



thinks of him with the kind of interest usually reserved solely for the living.



Among writers who have left behind them works sufficient to keep thier memory

alive  이 부분의 구조가 안보입니다




제가 다시 구조를 분석하고 분석해봤는데요


혹시 이구조가 leave behind 목적어 목적어 구조인데  works sufficient to keep thier memory

alive  이 목적어가 길어서 them 뒤로 보낸거 맞나요??

12-10-03 18:55  
leave + 목적어 + behind + 목적어 구조에서 동사의 목적어를 뒤로 보낸도치입니다
즉 원래는 left works (which are ) sufficient to keep ... 다음에 behind them 입니다
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