
이화정 공무원 2 1,479 2013-07-09 21:36
관계대명사에서요 neither of which + 동사 none of which + 동사 두문장의 동사는 어떻게 결정되나요/ 문장들을 찾아봐도 어떤거는 복수, 또는 단수로 되어있는데
13-07-10 16:35  
neither 는 대명사일때 단수가 원칙입니다 none 는 선행사가 복수보통명사나 아니면 양을 따지는 불가산 명사냐에 따라 단 복수가 결정됩니다
13-07-10 17:33  
neither 대명사일때 단수원칙이라 하셨는데 daum 사전에 이런 예문들이 있어서요. 또다른 규칙이 있나요?

Neither of which are a simple task and require extensive planning and execution

He was also provided with two laboratories, neither of which were properly furnished with the equipment necessary to carry out the type of experiments he was supposed to be doing


Neither of which suggest anything homosexual since the bible condemns homosexuality
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