가정법 질문

김은혜 [편입] 1 1,066 2019-02-21 23:54

★ 반드시 학습질문 게시판 수칙을 지켜주세요.

- 가급적 김정호 선생님의 강의 및 교재에서 질문해주세요

- 궁금한 문장의 전후 문장 역시 타이핑해주세요

- 하루 1개의 글에 1개씩 질문을 제한합니다.

- 출처를 반드시 적어주세요!!

꼭 위 사항을 지켜주세요!!

○ 질문출처 : 

질문은 김정호 선생님 강의 및 교재만 가능합니다! (공무원/편입은 기출문제까지 가능)


○ 질문내용 : My father had a favorite story about social practices which he learned from his father : An enormous herd of sheep was moving down a country road, led by a wise old ram. As the lead sheep approached an intersection, a young lady on a bicycle was approaching on the crossroad. The old ram realized that if she had to wait for all those sheep to cross, she would be delayed for hours. The old ram knew he couldn't stop , because of all the sheep pushing from behind. Being the gentleman that he was, he came up with a creative solution : he jumped high in the air, giving her room to pass safely under and continue on her way. Late that night, as the young lady was safely at home and having supper, the sheep were still jumping over the same intersection, but no one knew why.

선생님. 자전거탄 소녀가 양들이 지나가도록 기다리지 않았음을 암시하기 위해 반대사실가정법을 쓴것인가요? 
내용을 적어주실때 설정된 폰트크기 그대로 사용 부탁드립니다!

※ 하루 1개의 글에 1개씩 질문을 제한합니다.

19-03-01 01:55  
안녕하세요 바른영어훈련소 입니다^^

질문은 바른영어훈련소 내 교재에서만 가능하며, 바른영어훈련소내의 교재인 경우 출처를 명기해주세요^^
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