
김경모 기초영어 1 2,864 2014-08-08 01:22

One very important element of the entire audition procedure for a musical show should not be omitted. Never allow a person to sing their audition without musical accompaniment. Unaccompanied singing tells you nothing about how well or poorly they sing with accompaniment , nor anything of their rhythmic ability and accuracy of pitch.


Unaccompanied는 singing을 수식하는 형용사분사인가요

아니면 추가보어인가요??


If someone appears at an audition without a prepared piece of music to sing , that person is not only being unprofessional , but is also being naive. The writer coucludes with a message to these cators : You might as well have stayed at home.

might as well have pp는 may have pp , must have pp , cannot have pp

...등등 과 같은건가요?

14-08-11 19:37  
singing 을 꾸며주는 분사입니다 반주가 없는 노래 라는 의미인데  이 경우 singing 은 명사화된 동명사이므로 분사가 수식할 수 있습니다

아닙니다 may, must, cannot have pp 는 가정법과 상관없어요 그런데
might as well have pp 는 그랬었더라면 더 좋았을 것을 .. 이라는 의미가 있어서 실제로는 그렇지 않았다는 사실을 전제로 하고 반대의 사실을 가정해서 말하는 것입니다
번호 글쓴이 날짜
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