탐선생님 ,..

김은혜 편입 1 1,868 2014-11-18 12:41

★ 반드시 학습질문 게시판 수칙을 지켜주세요.

- 가급적 김정호 선생님의 강의 및 교재에서 질문해주세요

- 궁금한 문장의 전후 문장 역시 타이핑해주세요


- 하나의 질문에 1개씩 질문을 해주세요

꼭 위 사항을 지켜주세요!!

○ 질문내용


I crawled up into the street, and looking down upon them again, almost repented that I had brought them any food; for it would only tend to prolong their misery, without hope of any permanent relief: for die they must very soon; they were too far gone for any medicine to help them. I hardly know whether I ought to confess another thing that occurred to me as I stood there; but it was this - I felt an almost irresistible impulse to do them the last mercy, of in some way putting an end to their horrible lives; and I should almost have done so, I think , had I not been deterred by thoughts of the law. For I well knew that the law, which would let them perish of themselves without giving them one cup of water , would spend a thousand pounds , if necessary , in convicting him who should so much as offer to relieve them from their miserable existence.

탐 선생님.. 영어문학인데요.... 하나만 질문 드릴게용.....

문학이다 보니깐 문법에 얽매이지 않구 .....

빨간색 글자 of in some way는 문법적으로는 오류인것 맞죵?

전치사 of 혹은 in  둘 중 하나는 빠져야 하겠죵?


14-11-20 16:10  
of putting 에 연결되는데 사이에 in some way 가 삽입
번호 글쓴이 날짜
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338 편입 질문 드립니다. (1) 유지원 11-23
337 편입 질문이요 (1) 이현승 11-21
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334 편입 탐선생님 ,.. (1) 김은혜 11-18
333 편입 고수님들...단어공부법 질문이요... (2) 김민영 11-17
332 편입 질문이요 (1) 이현승 11-16
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 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15    맨끝

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