
최훈 4일차 0 235 2017-08-25 23:06

1. 수강한 강좌명: I-dictionary
(예: 문법의신_고급반/원서독해 200/한국인을 위한 기초영작반)

2. 학습 분량 :

3. 알게된 내용 :

confide in ~을 신뢰하다 믿다

V + on
go on 계속 하다 (=move on)
ex) He dacnced on and on 계속~
carry on 계속해서 살아가다
from that day on
from then on 그때부터 줄곧, 계속해서
look on 쳐다보다
What is on? =What is happening?
=What is going on?

on 전열기구 power가 켜져있는
ex) the tv is still on
ex) The water is on or off?

on 날짜
on Christmas day
on first day of May

on 행동 명사 ~한 즉시
on 행동 동사 ing

and so on = and so forth 기타 등등
= and the like = and what not

neither off nor on 우유부단
on and off 불규칙적으로
on the contrary 그와는 반대로
wh(의문사) ~ on earth ? (= in the world) 도대체
what the hell
what the devil
what the fuck

on edge 들떠서
on the other hand 한편

in 관사 교통기관 ex) in a taxi
by taxi by truck by subway
on a horseback
on foot
on one's own 혼자서
on purpose 일부러
on the spot 현장에서
on record 공식적으로
on the house 주인이 직접
ex) We have just served the dish on the house
ex) Let's say the beer is on the house too

1) for ~, V for

목적, 획득 search for
방향(향해서) head for, be bound for
원인 account for
대신 대체

Do you want to speak for you? '당신 대신 이야기 해주길 원합니까?'
for <-> against
vote for  vote against
be for    be against

Are you willing to die for your country?
I am all for it

Here is a present for you
I am working for a small publishin company
Please make room for me  room 여지 공간
eye for ~을 바라보는 눈
ear for ~을 읽어내는 귀

이익 적합성 용도
a stick for walking
a suit for swimming
등가보상 an eye for an eye = a tooth for a tooth
You can have ten for a dollar
An eye for an eye is his way of life
I need a check for $10
You can yous the dish for an ashtray ashtray 재떨이
Is it okay with you when I cut off a pound of flesh for your debt

start for = leave for ~향해서 떠나다 출발하다
sail for 항해하다
head for 기수를 돌리다
The flight for New York is now boarding at gate 1

go for a walk 산책하다
send for o ~을 얻기 위해 사람을 보내다
Please send for a doctor right now
What are friends for?

for reason ~때문에
He did not come for many reasons
He shouted for joy
Acapulco is famous for its beautiful beaches
be famous for
be notorious for
thank you for A
fine 벌금, 벌금형에 처하다
look for search for
seek for hope for
hunt for o
feel for 1 공감하다 2 더듬어 찾다
I feel for her 나는 그여자를 이해, 공감하다
I tried to feel for a coin in my pocket 동전을 찾았다.

be anxious for 갈망하다
ask for 요구하다
call for o to VR ~해주기를 요청하다

The boy looks old for his age 소년은 늙어보인다. 나이에 비하여
It is rather cold for April

Bus driver, please look for me
버스 기사 아저씨, 나 대신 봐주세요
`cause i couldn't bear to see what i might see
내눈 뜨고는 도저히 못보겠어요

4. 듣고난 소감 : 초반 20분 정도 빠른 복습을 통해 피드백이 되서 좋았다.

5. 구체적인 후기 : 시간 가는 줄 모르고 공부하는 것을 느꼈다.

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처음  1  2  3  4  5  6

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