
최훈 5일차 0 251 2017-09-08 23:59

1. 수강한 강좌명: I-dictionary

2. 학습 분량 : 18강

3. 알게된 내용 :

around 둘러싸여

go around
come around
move around
look around

he put his arms around my waist and said he loved me
허리를 둘러 감싸다

high wall around the house
around the table
around the cat's neck
around her neck

around 여기저기에서
hide and seek around the house

nobody comes around here

i'm going to take a trip around the world after I get retired

around 수량 '약'
it's around five o'clock
around 50 dollars are needed for repairing the damage

around the clock ! 24시간
around the world !

get around 돌아가다 / 회피하다

as + 명사. 동명사 ~로서 자격
**~로써 수단

as being 형용사 ~인것으로서
as (being) honest 정직한것으로서
as 형 <- 굉장히 많은 표현

see A as B A를 B로서 보다
think of
look upon
refer to
speak of

he lived as a saint
it can be used as a knife
they look up to him as their mentor
regard a as b
look upon a as b
see a as b
treat a as b
view a as b

예를 들어
as, such as
as a rule 대체로
as a general thing 대개
at that time 당시

4. 듣고난 소감 :

Decide to not talk behind my back.

5. 구체적인 후기 :

25살은 아저씨인가 아저씨가 아닌가

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