
이동훈 TEG 1 1,649 2013-06-05 14:12
(앞내용)남양유업 사태에 관련하여 현대백화점은 계약서 용어에 논란의 여지가 있는 갑과을 대신 백화점과협력사라는 용어를사용함(갑과을 을topdog과underdog으로묘사).But merely using new terms in the contracts will neither automatically change the stark reality, nor guarantee better relations between the topdog and the underdog. Only a genuine change in the topdog's deep-rooted preception will bring about a change in the real business world. Anything else would only end up pulling the wool over everybody's eyes. 선생님 마지막 문장에 would 는 어떤의미의 가정의결과인가요? 제가생각했던 것과 비슷한지 궁금합니다^^ ( 아래 기사글 원문입니다)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Topdog” and “underdog” are terms used in psychotherapy. The former refers to an individual who usually makes demands, while the latter points to an individual who makes excuses trying not to meet these demands. These terms have naturally come into wide use in various circumstances since Fritz Perls (1893-1970), a German-born Jewish psychiatrist and psychotherapist, began using these terms in the 1940s and 50s. In the Korean business world, there have long existed unfair business practices going on between big businesses (known in Korean as “Gap,” or “A,” referring to the party who has the upper hand in a contract) and their subcontractors or agents (“Eul,” or ”B,” the lesser party with disadvantageous terms and conditions). One of the long-festering feuds in society has finally flared up. The underdog has raised his voice and the topdog has backed off a little. The incident has had a great ripple effect. And the whole of Korean society has been watching closely to see how this will end. Three years ago, an abusive salesperson at Namyang Dairy Products made threatening remarks on many occasions to a retail distributor, who recorded part of the abusive tirade in an apparent bid to prepare some kind of future legal defense. On May 3 this year, the victim of the abuse went public with the recorded tape. This caused the general public to take notice of the unfair business practices that have generally gone on for too long. On May 10, Hyundai Department Store decided to use new terms “Department” and “Subcontractor,” instead of the controversial and pejorative terms “Gap” and “Eul,” in contracts it signs with all its subcontractors, mindful of the nuanced difference between the topdog and the underdog. Other bodies, such as the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy산업통상자원부 and the Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology한국산업기술평가관리원, have also decided to follow suit. To all appearances, the attempt by these topdogs seems commendable. It is a positive sign for better business practices. But merely using new terms in the contracts will neither automatically change the stark reality, nor guarantee better relations between the topdog and the underdog. Only a genuine change in the topdog’s deep-rooted perception will bring about a change in the real business world. Anything else would only end up pulling the wool over everybody’s eyes.
13-06-07 21:40  
네 그밖의 다른 어떤 것도 결국 눈가리고 아웅하는 꼴로 귀결될 것이다. 라는 의미인데요 지금 저자는 갑의 진정한 인식을 가장 중요한 해결책으로 제시하고 있으므로 그것이 아닌 다른 어떤 것들은
상정하고 해결책으로 상정하고 잇지 않아요 그러므로 다른 어떤 조치도 이런 의미가 되어 가정법 주절동사인 would end up 을 쓴 것입니다
번호 글쓴이 날짜
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