문법의신 기초

장재영 10일차 0 171 2020-08-21 23:59

1. 수강한 강좌명:
문법의 신 기초

2. 학습 분량 :

10강 의문문 만들기

3. 알게된 내용 :

1. 단순 응답형 의문문 : yes or no 로 대답

be + S?

is one of your bad habits drinking to much?

Is drinking too much one of your bad habits?


won't they help you?


Do Does Did + S + VR?

Have you ever been there?

의문사 사용 의문문

1. What who whom which whose : 명사를 대신 받는 말 - 의문대명사

He ate row fish yesterday.

ㄱ. 주어를 물어볼 때

who what which whose + V ~ ?

who ate row fish yesterday? 

who is pretty?

who said that he loves you?

what made you cry?

what is important?

what happened to him yesterday?

what will happend to him tomorrow?

what can be eaten?

which - 선택할 때

whose - 누구의것

whose is more expensive?

whose costs more expensive?

Mine is more expensive.

Mine costs more.

ㄴ. 나머지 (타목 전목 주보 목적격보어)

what who whom whick whose which + BE S ~? / 조동사 S ~? / Do Dose Did S ~?

He ate raw fish

-> what did he eat?

He killed her with knife

what did he killd her with?

with what did he kill her?

I want tommy to go with me.

who/whom do you want to go with ?

who gives you pocket money?

who whom do you give pockey money?

I was seen by daddy.

who saw you?

by whom were you seen?

who(m) were you seen by?

4. 듣고난 소감 :

의문문에 대해 잘 몰라서 문법의 신 기초반 의문문 파트를 수강하였습니다.

5. 구체적인 후기 :

 의문문 만들기에 자신감이 생겼습니다.

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