
최훈 8일차 0 188 2017-08-29 21:35

1. 수강한 강좌명: I-dictionary

2. 학습 분량 : 9강

3. 알게된 내용 : by~
1. by ~
2. V by ~

*by 장소 지칭 명사
by the seaside
by me
by the window
by the table
곁에 옆에

V(운동성) + O by O

passs by, go by 옆으로 지나가다

*be pp, get pp + by
~에 의해서 (행위자, 수단)
Many inventions were made by chance 우연에 의해서 만들어 졌다.

by chance 우연히
= by accident, by incident

Song by M.J
book by JH. K

I like being waited on by a male serever
by the look oof
   the color
   the shape
   the sound
   the smell

A man is known by the company he keeps
Don't judge a book by its cover
The watering is done by the machine
Will you contact me by e mail?

by means of ~을 수단으로 하여, ~에 의해서
by no means ~한 수단으로에 의해서도 안된다.=결코 아니다
This is by no means(=never) satisfying for me.
by all means 모든 수단에 의해서, 어떻게 해서라도

* by the 도량형 단위
by the pound

We sell rice by the kilo~
You can hire bikes by the hour. borrow(돈을 내지 않고 빌리는 것) rent(formal 계약서) hire(돈을 내고 빌리는것)
Bikes are hired by (at least) half the hour
Am i paid by the day?

*수.양 차이 표시 by + 차이
He is 3 years older than I
He is older than I by 3 years
We lost the game by 3 points
by far the best 타의 추종을 불허하는
He is brutal by nature
he is an Iraqi by birth
I am a psychiatrist by profession
It's okay by me
It's okay with me

by 시기 '무렵, 경, 까지'

명사 by 명사 '조금씩'
little by little
step by step
day by day
one by one
6 by 8 가로.세로
6 by 8 by 3 가로.세로.높이

by 무관사 교통수단
by air by sea by airplane
by land by ship by boat by car by taxi by truck

by 신체일부 '붙잡다'
take 0 by
He pulled the plants by the roots

S come by 0 '획득하다', '잠시 들르다'
Please come by my house
Will you come by this afternoon?
How did you come by the gun?

go by = pass by 옆으로 지나가다
He passed by as if he didn't see me

stand by 대기하다 곁에 서다 편들다
He sood by the door for a moment
I will stand by you 니 편이 되줄게
Have them standing by

Have 0 VR (안하고 있을때)
       Ving (하고 있는데 계속해서 하도록)

by mistake 잘못하여
For the genetically superior, success is easier to attain but is by no means guaranteed

refer to 언급하다 말하다
yield to 양보하다
conform to 순응하다
succeed to 계승하다
subscribe to 구독하다 서명하다
resort to 호소하다 자주 가다
get to 당도하다
attend to 주목하다
belong to 속해 있다
amount to 양, ~이르다
adjust to 적응하다
adhere to 들러붙다

4. 듣고난 소감 :

복습을 미리 해두었더니 확실히 효과가 있음을 느꼈다.

5. 구체적인 후기 :

강의 수를 많이 듣는 것보다 배운것을 확실히 하는게 중요하다.

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