최정우 2일차 0 66 2023-06-15 22:32

1. 수강한 강좌명: 마지막 기초 영문법

2. 학습 분량 : 오늘은 여러 형태의 동사, BE 동사 이런식으로 나워서 배웠습니다. 또 그걸 파워 보카 2000에 적용해서 써 봤습니다. 

제가 작문한 것들을 한번 써보겠습니다. 

1. Our ministry is abnormal with another. Our schedules are destabilized.

2. This would be my last opportunity for me to go abroad and study.

3.  I climbed aboard to flight.

4. There is an aboard passenger in the plane.

5. Every one on board has been killed by the Jet crash.

6. It's a private matter which should be solved.

7. You keep causing matters. 

8. LGBT community need to be abolished, it hurts our family and my future children.

9. JSA abounds enormous amount of wealth, so that we can be supplied more rapidly than another units.

10.You should reveal your matter which you struggling it, and get the appropriate feedback from it. 

3. 알게된 내용 : 작문을 슬슬 시작했습니다. 알려주신 토대로 시작했습니다. 동사가 핵심이라는 게 느껴지네요. 더 열심히하겠습니다!

4. 듣고난 소감 : 재밌었습니다! 여전히!


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 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  맨끝

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